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Super Players: Anarchy CS Movie

Esta es una discusión para el tema Super Players: Anarchy CS Movie en el foro Counter-Strike, bajo la categoría Top Games; Size: 343mb (unziped) Codec:XviD Release Date: 2004-07-06 Music: Flesh Field - Serene Image Andreas Johnson - Glorious Gladiatorerna - Theme ...
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  1. #1
    jme está desconectado
    1337 Staff Avatar de jme
    Fecha de ingreso
    31 may, 02
    Lima, Perú

    Predeterminado Super Players: Anarchy CS Movie

    • Size: 343mb (unziped)
    • Codec:XviD
    • Release Date: 2004-07-06
    • Music:
      Flesh Field - Serene Image
      Andreas Johnson - Glorious
      Gladiatorerna - Theme
      Baywatch - Theme
      Marilyn Manson - This is the new shit
      Terminator - Theme
      Rammstein - Ich will
      Type O Negative - My Girlfriends Girlfriend
      Rob zombie - Feel so Numb
      Backyard Babies - Ghetto You
      After Forever - Who wants to live forever
    • Frags:
      If this movie need to be downloaded, it's for the frags. In fact, it's like in the first movie, any player could send his demos. The frags' selection has been well done. There are only incredible frags, and it's really hard to explain them =D

    • The Movie:
      The intro is really boring without any frag during 3min ! There is a part of freeview, of in eyes, and few effects but it's really too much and too long i think. About the frags part, it's also divided into several parts ("A New Kind of Army", "Police Brutality", "Underground Network") and all of them are really exciting with a good mix between high skill and rock music =)
      The movie finishes classically with the outro who introduce each (super)players and so on..
    • Editing:
      This movie isn't splendid only for its frags, but also for the video quality, i think it's one of the best quality than we can reach, just like an uncompressed movie, and it's really great. As for the effects, they aren't bad, but there is no innovation. The frags/musics synchronization is also quite done, it's another strong point of this movie

    • Mirrors:

    Jaime Gálvez

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    03 ene, 03
    en tu pantalla ^¬¬


    los frags no fueron impresionantes =( como otros superplayers ...
    algunos frags hechos en servers ffa´s.. no muchos clanes conocidos pero valieron los 364mb
    [nF] boccc

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de CiDHemS
    Fecha de ingreso
    20 mar, 03


    Cita Iniciado por SnowBoc
    los frags no fueron impresionantes =( como otros superplayers ...
    algunos frags hechos en servers ffa´s.. no muchos clanes conocidos pero valieron los 364mb
    otros superplayers???

    OJO: que esta saga(+superplayers 1:NWO y EE) no son de los mismos autores de la saga de 13 videos.

    Oe jaime habran un topic fijo para poner los ultimos videos que salgan :D

    Sobre el video...

    Tiene un efecto mu raro... que da la sensación de mas realismo...

    un 95/100 estaria bien de nota
    Sin firma XD

  4. #4
    Regular Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 ago, 22

    Predeterminado Re: Super Players: Anarchy CS Movie

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  5. #5
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    05 ago, 22

    Predeterminado Re: Super Players: Anarchy CS Movie

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