Aquí les presento los equipos que han confirmado su asistencia a la CPL-Summer 2005 en los juegos: CS v1.6 y CS:Source respectivamente, un total de 106 se repartiran entre estos 2 Juegos.
$60.000 Counter-Strike: Source
Equipos que han confirmado su presencia, y su Lineup
1. TeamSuper: Snake, sade, sclade, southside, valk, tripping
2. High Self Esteem: DECANTER, sergio, goonter, brute, eyecandy, palarity
3. The Existence: ge, broodex, Yossarian, TDB, Mr.Obsidian, okane, jones, destro
4. Ducimus: Erd, Brex, Arc, lago, youbi, stint
5. Visualgaming: theinr1ch, joe, cheuNg, tooth, kanga, Tricky, Strath, Spray
6. eScuadron 201: bic, barto, gomfLo, yuri, Aye Davanita, daMN, flame
7. 5150: SPanKoNia_@ss, Kemp, Hampton, KiDeViL, Aboms, arclite, CA$HMONEY
8. zones: skout, Sauza, KonG, Scoresby, Intensity, n4m3
9. w00t: I3lackJaguar, OddLaW, Mathison, fmy, flodog, deppy, heretic^, shaffer, Mac
10. neurofLux: Trav, jT, ms, Ghostik, Dermis
11. Forbidden: Puddleglum, messiaH, baGGs, allbrook, bricks, Qtip, sokei
12. |KaoS|`: thebeancollector, Pueschner, fnord, Jelic, Le, excalibur, Friede
13. Echo-7: voodoo, Olsen, s1monz, Jacobson, neville
14. Elite Sex Force: ThChosenOne, Rampage, LuCi-_-.99, Iceman.99, WarStore, Skidmore, PaPaLoKey, Scorpion
15. Rj45: Cowbob, Romeo, Trigger6, Shiven, Scherman, Whelpley, face, dox
16. DigitalCommunism: Adair, TheCox, FrOsTBiTe, DrPeppernator, Ashton, Smith
17. Hardfought: Fontaner, K2, Dogtown, Relic, Shade
18. TEC: Tadlock, sanorex, $hield, afterlife, bgilb, elude
19. cfl.ucf |: 1HQ, jabroni, AIR_CAV, darkfate, Artificial
20. verGe gaming: juan, paradox, Lepkowski, Heyden, oconnor, dave-o
21. TAU: Sapphi, maNtiK, Mills, SolarCurve, AC, whewt, WyT, wolfman, breWer
22. stfu: Stewart, shake n bake, fluX, Brashear, nfct
23. Sun: Kingof2v1, anger, remix, Fate, GOOSTOFF, OpN
24. Team Empire: x1, megatronic, Halanski, frUnk, shootah
25. CaveMates: Fargin, Enigma, Seraph, cave.naharoS, SliCk, cemore
26. FragFacile: Ferreira, sc0tti, zxert, Pacaveli, Las1K
27. Rewind: robinz, Griffis, Arjuna, Digregory, rowleyhunter, arachn1d
28. PowersGaming: PowersGaming, Jordo, NightFaLL, clowN, JPowers
29. Devastation: kurridge, Red Fox, roby, sasquatcH, Meyer, Murphy, nmE
30. dRagonz: Normann, Fischer, Blase, Goh, Müller
31. Check Six: w!$eGUy, rbt, Angelo, drax, Howard, anomaly, Anwar, Glaubach, cLaRK, DarkManX
32. Borderline: jrp, supirl, Bordlin, bkR, Cummins, night
33. Skull: scK, Tabris, dzn, izzo, wolman
34. Empty the Clip: Mona, Poopsicle, Topgun15v, Guess_Who, Green Hornet
35. unstoppable: Belt, Singleton, Casey, c.allen, w
36. iLLicit: Sumners, Stewart, izzle, strata, CRACKY, KrazY, Mike Jones
37. killer1nstinct: mauler, Flik, Scammahorn, soulrippeR, Rollin, nontoxic
38. Pandemic: Hall, Couser, Lawhorne, Messner, Kellogg, Brown
39. Minutemen: Chadwick, Kajioka, 1LLusive, d1st, Ali, Aranha, curbur
40. Net Xtreme: Brown, Pensy, Gangi, Paradis, Mercier
41. [MM]: FecalFire, eliquel, Menesini, Mullet, keef
42. Simulation One: nvm, Tippins, e-Monza, Oxygen, logo, brady
43. unReal Skillz: xperience, Beekz, LotuS, checKmate, Tors
44. Lethal Souls: Vegeta, JonBond, Vague, Spyderman, Lyrical
45. Liquidc4: Gross, Kimbrel, Dojo, Menapace, Devastate
46. Hard Clan: Allison, Gerosa, n1ghtmar3, metil, nklr, ecko, Sw4y
47. Axxium Inc: merc, Holzman, jookymag!c, Colwell, jooky2000, Calvin, AnimateD
48. SourceUniversity: Dutcher, Hollywood, austiN, bamf, Davis
49. Hyper!: dogberT, Sphere, jd, eTsov, brandon, Xo, jaynizz
50. Cloud 9: Demenok, Phrascal, west, Kleiman, t3d, Co, drty
51. Shaydgamers: PiTT, Lobotomy, Scheponik, bangb4ng, Belgianwafflz, Certosimo
52. upper: STRuK, PH1L, Shad, Seymour, Haqshot, cadaviar
53. TitaNs: StrykerX, Kidon, techducK, Monster, KarMa
54. No-Namers: Schock, anto, Mukku, Dream, Shield, sek, Agobian
55. TWEP: BIRD, Moreno, Petersen, kylethejedi, moreno
56. Confederacy: HitmaN, dritz, Moffa, oXy, diz, RI
57. tU: Nuke, sleepwalker, Avalanche, Scrappa, WickedClown
58. EternalSilence: Kinto, Tayz, Schiavone, NaDeZ, Dubya
59. Eminence: ceLica, kwest4peace, Cypher, DriP, treY, havoc, clane
60. Cosmonic: testikyle, Tyacke, cMi, Colostomizer, Skullz
$50,000 Counter-Strike Version 1.6
Equipos que han Confirmado y su Lineup
1. United 5: killabeez, kmode, BatMaN, PaTyoJoN, Mccrary, Derosa, exile
2. No Such Agency: chump, vnm, ED, RaveNplZ, KaMi
3. 4dN.psymin: KeNNy, XrayN, Iwanaga, paranoiax, Iju
4. deLusional: Griffiths, Ramaker, Pina, Librero, Walker
5. xsg: tpb, Clauss, yaa, soup, narK, dylan, Cuomo
6. Team 3D: moto, ksharp, rambo, volcano, torbulle
7. Team nF5: Geechi, xeptor, scorp, bK, styles, envy
8. Glimpse_Reality: liquid, veilone, Workman, PredatoR, vehemens, bln
9. FabricatedX: Ortolano, frog, karbon, Ever, Humes
10. Confederacy: Nitrous, 3lackOut, Ninja, PineKone, nickerfoo, jacobson
11. respect: gIAMBATISTA, crossbreed, christopher, Tr4sH, Homicide
12. Fresh: thorntoN, M4niAK, Devo, foster, forsak3n, 0z
13. Penance: sileNce, Song, brett, Oh, instant, hyun, $hifn
14. Fifth Element: orangato, Dino, Wolfy, vishus, RandomCL
15. Underestimated: zid, VandaL, pure, Birdy, IceCream
16. Disciples of Are: CosMo, hrmsux, Dale, Conley, Shin, diMensioN
17. fatal effect: flashback, resisT, lbs, illuzion, pyZIK, YORT
18. Dink Tanks: Haidry, xrt, rolex, anointed, Luter, jackson
19. Kinship: Ellis, TheonE, zeal, db, Nirvana
20. Green Berets: Weinrich, m4gic, jame^s, Anthony, bigwie, mehLer
21. Carib One: chevy, bair, sallard, kx, apierce, mbs, dsingh, foomy
22. King-Gaming: vilio, miDAAS, sIckIsto, RUCKER, rachel, deft, Ochoa
23. AUDIOvisual: dRoptopamix, MtxWrl, homeskillet, balaNce, SixShiiter
24. Deadzone: Talon, Maynard, La caria, Bellintani, Harding
25. EverLAN GC: rdx, sancti, Snitka, rs, Dyna, Kovac
26. Desert Elite: porter, snubf1ghteR, pr3d, Po0tao, Gares
27. elite pimps: bustacap, JohN, spdy, greatlandog, pppp
28. ApTeryX: pross, sVEN, HeatheN, nbz, Johnson
29. Allies in War: xile, psykotic, Ph, Allspeed, Koenig, dlux
30. JaX Money Crew: JaX, Enigma, Beerz, Novocaine, Gosu, lin, Royle
31. Terroarized: carnage, gima, strife, octoparrot, Tarplee, Bendahan
32. blackteam: Brown, Obregon, dae, silentzero, Rodriguez
33. Angry Mob: Snook, shatta, glover, NaXos, soonk
34. Team EG: chibsquad, Lari, In_Flames, Stevenson, blackpanther, shaGuar
35. Turmoil: Steinmetz, Kleeman, bdub, goodfornothing, seijim2
36. impulseGAMING: nAx, imprO, TreasoN, g0t, Glock, temiLo
37. mugNmouse: Oh, Russell, Johns, MuMiX, da bears
38. ToySoldiers: tigerz, TehJoe, sage, Sun, Desai, Nawab, k1ng
39. Team satisfy: SeoL, nwP, Spec, p!mp, quEz
40. DeadNoobStorage: naes, Ficken, Jeffrey, EmohaXX, eBell, Hansen
41. Rodrigues, Donini, Chiqueta, Nakano, Ono
42. KingsFive: Fierce Potato, Chavez, LackadaisicaL, panchuk, em0cean, poopYface
43. NexLevel: kunit, Hall, Jman, ference, dioL, TeX
44. Expect 0 Error: greeK, bic, madshot, nlzn, Chrch
45. Weekend Warriors: keen, boms, surge, Connolly, aZn, jaden
46. Team GamerCo: Hanes, Ph33R, Masternook, Medias, Exodus, DarK