Esta es una discusión para el tema El regreso de SpawN en el foro Counter-Strike, bajo la categoría Top Games; Iniciado por CivetaDei
h2k vs ARTLEZ 4 kills de SpawN @de_inferno
luego en de_train quien wazea SpawN THREAT niko ?
Página: 2
SpawN = AnaL! la ac de exo!
negro cochino!
someday i'll wish upon a star, wake up where clouds are far behind me...
bacan spawn la ace
SpawN se retira denuevo y va como coach de Begrip.
"Hello guys! I am here with another update… as you know, the past few months in H2k has been very turbulent. I tried to make a comeback to professional gaming because of my love to the game, but I must admit that I can’t keep up with both work and gaming at a professional level, so I have made the decision to let the younger generation take over – the competition is very good! I have had a great time in H2k and really appreciate the chance to play at a top level again, but I have realized that I am getting old and therefore I will focus my energy on other activities that can benefit eSports, such as using my professional experience and passion for the game to develop the ideal gear for professional gaming."
Como el mismo dice: esta demasiado viejo ya.
Ademas ya se aseguro con steelseries, no? Para que mas?
en 2 meses vuelve
W@reZ | ZapiToO
Predator's Principe