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Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens 22th of MAY]]

Esta es una discusión para el tema Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens 22th of MAY]] en el foro Servidores Privados, bajo la categoría Knight Online; WesterenKO is a farm server based on myko gameplay with some of the newer features,events! It's developed by good developers ...
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  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    06 may, 14

    Predeterminado Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens 22th of MAY]]

    WesterenKO is a farm server based on myko gameplay with some of the newer features,events! It's developed by good developers and ran by good administrators. It's currently in beta phase, which will be on going for aproximately 2 weeks.

    Beta Launch DATE : 22th Of MAY!
    Why do you play Beta? It gives you opportunity to try the server and meet people that are going to play the server,there will be events hosted for top BETA users that will recieve Knight Cash on official. Our support is available for you almost 15/7 during the beta time as well. If you find a bug in our beta you will be rewarded by 500 knight cash on official. The client is 350 MB Size, but you can use any myko client and just patch it with - Version=1299.

    KO Panel WesterenKO
    The panel is secured and modified, it supports many different features, you can check them all at WesterenKO- Drop List,Ticket System,Nation Transfers,Inventory and gear viewer and more standard features!

    Forum Invision Power Board
    Our forum is based on english community, with additional international sections! We are trying to keep forums as friendly as possible for users.

    Facebook https://www.facebook...82937504?ref=hl
    Facebook is managed by english and turkish moderators, usefull informations are posted there and events such as 'like/share'

    Westeren MYKO Informations

    • Old zones,old quests,old items,old game play!
    • Myko drop rates, Myko exp rates, myko spawn spots, myko quests & features,myko events.
    • New features,events that can attached at anytime.
    • Old and new item styles! ( Raptor,Gigantic.. )
    • Level cap is 65, and 70 in future.
    • Knight Cash Vouchers, Scroll NPC.
    • Proffesional Management.
    • Two different host locations, Germany and Turkey.
    • Two different Anti Cheat systems, Soacs and ACME, we can use both of them and change at any time!
    • Proffesional AD Campaing - Advertisement
    • Leaded by English and Turkish Management.

    Westeren MYKO Features

    Knight Cash Vouchers
    The voucher NPC is located in Moradon! You can trade your Knight Cash vouchers with the NPC. The vouchers are tradeable.
    Juraid Mountain Event
    The users that register to the event gets teleported to Juraid Zone. They can farm the monsters there together with the party, and at the final Stage they meet opposite nation and final Deva Bird boss is there. Users gets items from farming the monsters in 3 different rooms and there is a special reward for nation that kills Deva Bird!
    Border Defence War
    The users that register to the event gets teleported to Border Defense War MAP. They meet the opposite nation party there and fight for the win! The nation that first makes 30 kills or kill the opposite monument gets the reward!
    Rival System
    When a specific user kills you in Colony Zone, you have 60 minutes to return him the dead, you have to kill the user that killed you in 60 minutes, to win the rival reward!
    Catch The Flag
    It's a bowl event! There are monsters that spawns in bowl that gives various drops. The nation that kill the most of the monsters wins a reward!
    Chaos Monument
    The chaos monument is located in middle of bowl, it gives 5 different bosses after it's destroyed!
    Death Match - Disabled
    Everyone that register to the event gets teleported to a specific zone, everyone is solo and everyone is pvping, the users with the best score win:lose wins!
    Lunar War,Castle Siege War, Kingdom Elections,Boss Events,Forgotten Temple
    Classic Myko Events

    Westeren MYKO Rates
    The drop and exp rates are fairly exact same as original myko,so there is exping to reach level 65. The best exp is in colony zone, but you can exp at any zone like breth,piana,eslant..

    Upgrade Chances with Blessed Upgrade Scroll

    • From +1 to +3 it's 100%
    • From +4 to +4 it's 90%
    • From +4 to +5 it's 60%
    • From +5 to +6 it's 30%
    • From +6 to +7 it's 15%
    • From +7 to +8 it's 5%
    • From +8 to +9 it's 1%

    Upgrade Chances with Trina

    • From +1 to +3 it's 100%
    • From +4 to +4 it's 100%
    • From +4 to +5 it's 90%
    • From +5 to +6 it's 50%
    • From +6 to +7 it's 25%
    • From +7 to +8 it's 10%
    • From +8 to +9 it's 5%

    More informations about our server you can always find on facebook or forum!

    Presented by WesterenKO Team
    Última edición por westerenko; 19/05/2014 a las 14:47

  2. #2
    Fecha de ingreso
    06 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens this month]

    Beta is going to open this month, most likely around 20th MAY. We will give more informations soon.

    Fallow us on facebook.

  3. #3
    Fecha de ingreso
    06 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens this month]

    Westeren team is proudly announcing the release time for beta server. Users that attend to beta will not keep their gears and level as this is preparation for the official. We hope to see you there!
    BETA Launch date 22th of May! At around 20:00 GMT Time.

    You can download our client here
    It's a clean client with 318mb size. You can use your own client for beta and just patch it with Version=1299

    The client is suitable for ACME and SOACS as we are operating with both.

    BETA Events

    Top 3 users of each nation will recieve KC rewards on official. Place 1 2000KC Place 2 1000 KC Place 3 500 KC
    The first user that reach maximum level recieve Gold Premium on official.
    If you find a bug you can report it on the forum and you will recieve 500 KC for each reported bug.

    During the beta the support team will be available for users, so don't hestitate to get in touch with us.

    The server is going to be developed during the beta to finish the tiny details. Suggestions are appericiated.

    We invite you to log in, and test the server. Join our community, we will take you to the oldschool feeling with modern concept.

    See you this thursday!

    WesterenKO Administration.

  4. #4
    Fecha de ingreso
    06 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens 22th of MAY]]

    Dear Knights

    Hopefully you will find us attractive and start a beta journey with us. Estimated time until beta opens is around 7 hours.
    There is special campaign going on facebook so feel free to join the group there, perhaps meet some friends!

    As we are not doing the mass Turkish advertisements for beta yet, it is very important for us to have some good players that are on the beta journey with us.
    You can download our client very easily by this link
    Client Download - Downloads - Invision Power Board
    The client is 315 MB Size and all of the uploaded links has been tested and works smoothly.

    Be amazed, Join WesterenKO!

  5. #5
    Fecha de ingreso
    06 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens 22th of MAY]]

    Beta has been launched, server is online.

  6. #6
    Regular Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 ago, 22

    Predeterminado Re: Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens 22th of MAY]]

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  7. #7
    Regular Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 ago, 22

    Predeterminado Re: Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens 22th of MAY]]

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  8. #8
    Regular Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 ago, 22

    Predeterminado Re: Westeren MYKO - Old School Server [Beta Opens 22th of MAY]]

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  9. #9
    Regular Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 ago, 22

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  10. #10
    Regular Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 ago, 22

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