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New world euros 8th may 2015 Reward 2 x PlayStation 4 and 1 x IPHONE 6

Esta es una discusión para el tema New world euros 8th may 2015 Reward 2 x PlayStation 4 and 1 x IPHONE 6 en el foro Servidores Privados, bajo la categoría Knight Online; In addition to these features you need to know these improvements also! As you know we are doing our best ...
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  1. #1
    4KO está desconectado
    Junior Member
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    27 abr, 15

    Predeterminado New world euros 8th may 2015 Reward 2 x PlayStation 4 and 1 x IPHONE 6

    In addition to these features you need to know these improvements also!
    As you know we are doing our best in private server market to provide you best service.Every day we add more improvements and extra quality to our server so that our customers enjoy the old knight online!

    1-Glitch disable

    As you know glitch definition is runing faster via clicking usable skills and items.We are proud to say that you can no longer do that annoying bug .If you try to glitch in game you will get instant freeze for 3 seconds.

    2-Middle-Low-High Class upgrade system

    Feel free to upgrade your paper and middle class gears via original scrolls! annoying Bus waste is over ! Keep in mind that our upgrade rates are same with original knight!

    Click here for details..

    3-Medal of Brave

    For every kill in cz you will get 1 Medal of Brave.3333 Medal gives you %20 hp, 6666 gives you %10 def, 9999 of them increases your attack %5 ! You can also sell these items.

    4-New Quest System

    In order to see new quests click here !

    5-Death Match Event

    You can register via Moradon Furcia Npc, it lasts 15 minutes.You will get auto 10k hp, also int priests hits 750 with special skills.Kill the most get the random pus rewards!

    6-In game Event Calendar

    When you click the icon next to hp bar, you can check the exact time of events.

    7-In game Colony Zone Rank System

    When you hit the console button 1 seconds, you can see the np rank in colony zone just like USKO!

    8-Ardream Event

    Ardream map consist of original Npc and monsters.There are special Exp and Coin event slots also! When ardream event activated, Colony zone will be closed just like wars.You can use the moradon gate in order to join this event.

    9-Border Defense War Event

    You can join this Event from Moradon Furcia Npc, prizes are random pus items and lots of Exp!

    10-Character Seal and Unseal

    Now you can sell your characters via Seal Scroll in Merchant or trades with safety !

    11-Bonus Knight Cash System

    Every purchase you made from virtual store you will get bonus KC points, you can purchase pus items with these bonus points via Bonus KC page in Power up Store!

    12-Reward for weekly National Point Champions

    Every friday at 00:00 Gmt+2 Each champion will get Blue Chests! ( Rewards may vary from week to week)

    13-Hera Scroll and National Point Increase Item

    Hera scrolls and National point scroll are working perfect and %100 original!.Np increase item gives you bonus %25 Np !

    14-Drop List

    You can access and search our drop list via our official site with ease! Click here for details

    15-Protect your character with MAC Filter

    After you log in our web site, you can easily protect your character from hackers with MAC Filter! After the implementation of MAC Filter only your pc can login game! Click here for details

    16-Protect your items with Item seal

    You can seal your items without premium also! You can seal your items at Moradon Furcia..

    17-The opportunity that sell your Gold bars to 4KO server exchange of either money or KC!

    You can sell your Gold bars to 4KO server all times! 4KO will sell those Gold bars to other customers in order the maintain secure trades.
    How can i sell my Gold bars ?
    Its really easy! This process occurs in Furcia Npc. After 3-5 working days money will be send to your written bank account in Npc!
    Gold Bar sale is limited with 100 stocks,after 100 stocks are sold you can sell again! Also you can check the Power up store in order see buyer and seller!

    18-Gain Exp with Merchant

    In game characters will get %1 in all levels every hour!
    In addition:
    -Master will be closed first week for equality!
    -Class change active, your master will be erased in use!
    -1k hp, 150ac, Swift scrolls at Furcia Npc in Moradon!
    -Premium users can use stat and skill reset all times free!
    -Premium users can use cure Npc in Colony zone!
    -Your hp should be over %80 in order to use town command!
    -Potion of soul(1920) is only 6500 coins!
    -There are sale limit for Knight cash vouchers in game, over pricing is blocked!

    El-Morad Atilla Locations
    Karus Atilla Locations

    Download the original 4KO client in order to enjoy a problem free game!

    4KO MYKO Games | 4KO

    Also you have to register via Web site, Registiration is not auto!

    ##You got in game problems and questions, what can you do about them ? ##

    You can ask every question and in game problem of yours to our Game masters, GM list is available in Web site all times! Also we got 3 different language support in order to solve your problems

    ## May i sell my account or items in game with real money ? ##

    In game real money sales are forbidden!

    ## Should i have credit card in order to buy premium ? ##

    Of course not, our agreement with pay2phone allows you to purchase anything you want without credit card with simple steps!

    ## Preimum benefits! ##

    -Skill stat reset is free!
    -Colony zone Cure Npc!
    -%20 more coins from sold items!
    -More National point related with preimum type!
    -%10 More EXP Bonus from Quests

    ## I started in 4KO Clan, What is this ? ##

    We prepared a special starter clan for new players, in order make parties and help each other in game.You can use this clan to find new friends and get experience!
    Also we prepared a compelete different 4KO starter clan for foreign users in order to provide better communication and comfortable server experience! Foreign users will start in this clan automatically, arranged via their IPs!

    Now, these are past rewards that 4KO SERVER gave! Please click here for check Past Rewards..!

    In order to get more information, suggestions and ideas please visit our addresses!
    PANEL:4KO MYKO Games | 4KO

    Última edición por 4KO; 27/04/2015 a las 13:26

  2. #2
    4KO está desconectado
    Junior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    27 abr, 15

    Predeterminado Re: New world euros 8th may 2015 Reward 2 x PlayStation 4 and 1 x IPHONE 6

    Welcome to the introduction of the 4KO- EUROS SERVER!

    Server OPENING DATE : 8th MAY 2015 (GMT+2)

    We have to say thank you for all your support for our last server TARS that we established with the infastructure and support of the YOURKO team. We believe that we achieved our goal in our last server TARS and we are now ready to make a better one according to all comments and suggestions of our players! We created the new complete world EUROS and ready to give new prizes.

    4KO EUROS - the knigts of the brutal world;

    Our journey started with the TARS and now going on with EUROS. What are you waiting for? Join us in our new journey and make new friends, memories and as a result of your effort, get your prize!

    Here's the server features:


    Updates made with the EUROS server:

    Game is going to start with limited level 62 and after a week we will activate the 65 level cap and the master quests.

    * The event problems in the TARS server is fixed now.
    * From now on, the supernova damages will be reduced by %20-30 instead of blockage of using nova skills in SANTA EVENTS.
    * Forgotten Temple event is now easier. A deruvish founder is going to spawn at the end of the event instead of volcanic rock.
    * Knight cash prices decreased and the bonus KC prizes are increased

    You can now make your payments via Paypal by Turkish Lira.

    the experience point required after level 60 is decreased by %30 now. after 60 level it will be easier to level up!

    After the server launced, beginning items will change per week for 3 weeks period.

    ** After the first week of the server:

    *** Warrior
    * 1st Grade Goblin Set
    * Harpoon +6
    * Maul+8

    ** Rogue
    * 1st Grade Goblin Set
    * Dual Sword Breaker +6

    ** Mage
    * 1st Grade Goblin Set
    * Wood Staff +7 (Flame-Rare)

    ** Priest
    * 1st Grade Goblin Set
    * Large Breaker +5

    ** After the second week of the server:

    * Warrior Full Plate Armor +5/8 STR Set
    * Harpoon +7
    * Maul+8

    ** Rogue
    * Rogue Full Plate Armor +5/8 DEX Set
    * Dual Sword Breaker +7

    ** Mage
    * 2nd Grade Goblin Set
    * Wood Staff +8 (Flame-Rare)

    ** Priest
    * 2nd Grade Goblin Set
    * Large Breaker +6

    ** After the third week of the server:

    ** Warrior
    * Warrior Full Plate Armor +5/8 STR Set
    * Bardish +6

    ** Rogue
    * Rogue Full Plate Armor +5/8 DEX Set
    * Dual Cleaver +6

    ** Mage
    * 2st Grade Goblin Set
    * Wood Staff +8 (Flame-Rare)

    ** Priest
    * Priest Full Plate Armor +5/8 HP Set
    * Totamic Club +6

    All these items are loaned items and cant be traded or upgraded. they will be disappeared after 1 week creating your charecter.

    You can now enter the Gold Zone event from the NPC FURCIA in the moradon.

    New quests added for WARS:


    ** Killing 50 HUMAN/KARUS by yourself (solo) = 15.000.000 Coins
    ** Killing 100 HUMAN/KARUS with a party 10.000.000 Coins for each member of the party

    **For Lunar War Map

    **Killing50 HUMAN/KARUS by yourself (solo) 15.000.000 Coins
    **Killing 100 HUMAN/KARUS with a party 10.000.000 Coins for each member of the party

    *** In Dark Lunar War Map

    **Killing 50 HUMAN/KARUS by yourself (solo) = 15.000.000 Coins
    **Killing 100 HUMAN/KARUS with a party 10.000.000 Coins for each member of the party

    CHAOS STONE re-spawn time is decreased to 3 hours by now.

    A new treasure chest (orange chest) has been added to the database. you can obtain this treause by:
    1- Killing the keeper in the wars (the person who killed keeper will receive the chest)
    2- After invasion of the enemy nation, you need to kill 100 lich with a party and each member of the party will receive the chest.

    What can you receive by using the chest?

    Mirage Dagger
    Iron Bow
    Mirage Sword
    Iron Impact
    Dark Vane
    Hell Breaker
    Wreath of Erenion
    Enion Bow
    Defender of the Lord
    Warrior Chitin Pauldron
    Rogue Chitin Pauldron
    Mage Crimson Pauldron
    Priest Chitin Pauldron
    1500 HP Scroll
    300 AC Scroll
    Attack Scroll
    Gold Premium
    Silver Premium
    Bronze Premium
    Level 60 Scroll

  3. #3
    4KO está desconectado
    Junior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    27 abr, 15

    Predeterminado Re: New world euros 8th may 2015 Reward 2 x PlayStation 4 and 1 x IPHONE 6

    New Collection Race Item Event and New Chest System

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