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► KO4EVER | Knight-Empire [El Mejor Servidor!] -OFICIAL!{26-08-2012}◄

Esta es una discusión para el tema ► KO4EVER | Knight-Empire [El Mejor Servidor!] -OFICIAL!{26-08-2012}◄ en el foro Servidores Privados, bajo la categoría Knight Online; SERVER OPENS AT 26 AUGUST 2012 19:00 PM GMT +1 KOPanel | Forums , Also follow us on facebook A ...
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    21 jul, 12

    Predeterminado ► KO4EVER | Knight-Empire [El Mejor Servidor!] -OFICIAL!{26-08-2012}◄

    SERVER OPENS AT 26 AUGUST 2012 19:00 PM GMT +1
    Also follow us on facebook

    Are you missing the old days, but want something unique to ?
    KO4EVER is a new and unique Knight Empire based server, with alot of new features making the Knight Empire version much more fun, with a great community, high-quality and friendly GM's

    - A promising new server !
    -General information about the server.
    The server is running on a high quality VIP Dedicated server with a cisco firewall, this means the server will not get effected by any DoS and botnet attacks. The server has been secured against hackers and the user(player) information will be crypted, to keep personal data safe! We also have a active anticheat system, disabling all kind's of cheating ! To pervent duping there is a real-time dupescanner to catch the duped items immediately and delete those.

    Server Information
    - The server is a farm server which means it will take a little time to exp and farm. Approx 3 / 4 days to get level 70
    - The server is MYKO(Knight-Empire) based which means the server is level 70 capped. With the original skills. And every class is equal
    the level cap will be 70
    - The Dark Lunar will be activated lateron when we move to the level 65 cap.
    - Original Quests from Knight-Empire are active. Which means you will have to unlock skills and master with quests
    - There are 3 Diffrent wars including the Original Lunar war / Dark lunar war and the new Oreads war.
    - The CSW is active also, to make the CSW more fun we added rewards for the winning clan!
    - Original King system by voting is active.
    - The colony zone has been redone to make it more active, added alot of new exp slots and also the exp gain in cz is %50 more compared to other zones
    - [Summoning stone of chaos] is located in the CZ bowl. Destroying this stone will summon bosses around the bowl. But these bosses are stronger compared to other bosses
    - the heart of colony zone is located in the center castle of the bowl. Destroying this monument will make your nation earn more np's for their kills
    - A new event zone named 7 sins will be active 2 days a week instead of the original Colony zone
    - Diffrent kind of premium services with diffrent bonusses
    - a Border defense war event with diffrent rewards.
    - Upgrade notices / drop notices
    - Perfectly working tower system in the CZ. Nova towning is possible !
    - Archery combo is active. To stimulate archery some archer damages have been decreased a little to keep it balanced
    - Manner exchange system is active. Manner points are earnable trough helping chikens level-up and for killing users of the opposite nation in the CZ
    - Voucher exchange system is active. Old enchant items equipable on shoulder slot
    - Medal exchange system. Medals earnable in the 7 Sins are exchangeable for rewards
    - Potion prices and weights have been decreased to make leveling more easy
    - Free scrolls in moradon, and more scrolls available with manner exchange and voting on KOPanel
    - EXP Flash items to make exping more fun. These items are dropping from diffrent ingame monsters and will boost your exp by %10 for 5 Minutes.
    - Any many more other unique features

    More information before you start ! - KO4EVER Information center ! - KO4EVER | Forum

    Upgrade Rates with BUS 
    • +1 > +2 - %100
    • +2 > +3 - %100
    • +3 > +4 - %85
    • +4 > +5 - %55
    • +5 > +6 - %30
    • +6 > +7 - %14
    • +7 > +8 - %5
    • +8 > +9 - %1
    • +9 > +10 - %0
    Upgrade Rates with Trina
    • +1 > +2 - %100 +2 > +3 - %100 +3 > +4 - %100 +4 > +5 - %100 +5 > +6 - %45 +6 > +7 - %20 +7 > +8 - %8 +8 > +9 - %3 +9 > +10 - %0
    • Estland Boss drop rates unique drop rate > %10 / %15
    • Lamia types > FP %15
    • Golem types > Chitin %10
    • Dark stone / Troll captain / Crimson wing > shell %15
    • Harpy > MD %5
    • Troll > Glave %5
    • Apostle > salamander staff %5
    • Ash knights/ DTS > fp %15
    • Zombie types > FP %10
    • Quest items from bosses > %20 / %50
    • Dark mare's > High class items %10 / %15
    • Dark mare's > Silver bar %5
    • Cardinal > Upg scrolls %15
    • Wolf types > BuS %8


    Última edición por VEN0M; 25/08/2012 a las 12:19

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    21 jul, 12

    Predeterminado Re: ► KO4EVER | Knight-Empire [El Mejor Servidor!] -OFICIAL!{03-08-2012}◄

    5 horas a la izquierda

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de xASROCKx
    Fecha de ingreso
    16 may, 07
    santa patricia

    Predeterminado Re: ► KO4EVER | Knight-Empire [El Mejor Servidor!] -OFICIAL!{03-08-2012}◄

    Cita Iniciado por VEN0M Ver mensaje
    5 horas a la izquierda
    Asha yo estoy jugando este server esta mejor =) tiene cosas modernas con el mapa de moradon antiguo muy bueno ^^. y tiene 3 cz para nivel 50 70 80 excelente server para en pesar a jugar d cero^^

    :arrow: Tengo problemas con mi tecla:D

  4. #4
    Senior Member Avatar de xASROCKx
    Fecha de ingreso
    16 may, 07
    santa patricia

    Predeterminado Re: ► KO4EVER | Knight-Empire [El Mejor Servidor!] -OFICIAL!{03-08-2012}◄

    hoy Sabado 4 estoy jugando y todo chevere solo faltan ustedes XD
    :arrow: Tengo problemas con mi tecla:D

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    21 jul, 12

    Predeterminado Re: ► KO4EVER | Knight-Empire [El Mejor Servidor!] -OFICIAL!{26-08-2012}◄

    Server being relaunched on 26-08-2012

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