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🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

Esta es una discusión para el tema 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO] en el foro Servidores Privados, bajo la categoría Knight Online; Official server will start TODAY in 9 hours (19:00 GMT+2) Server will be put online pre-officially for 30 minutes period, ...
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  1. #41
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Official server will start TODAY in 9 hours (19:00 GMT+2)

    Server will be put online pre-officially for 30 minutes period, 18:15 - 18:45 GMT+2, you will not be able to level up, or kill any monsters. Pre official period will server only, that you can create your character, buy power up store items, activate premiums, take the chicken beginner quest. Server will start at 19:00 with normal setting as per official start ;)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads
    REGISTER: https://ko-myko.com/register
    FORUM: https://forum.ko-myko.com/
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/komykophoenix
    DROP LIST: https://ko-myko.com/droplist
    EXCHAGES: https://ko-myko.com/exchanges
    QUESTS: https://ko-myko.com/questlist
    UPGRADES: https://ko-myko.com/upgrade_rates
    GUIDES: https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...287;reticiler/

  2. #42
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    2 hours 30 minutes left! Are you ready? We are :cool:

    Discord is at 1850 members :cool:

  3. #43
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Official server is online :)

  4. #44
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    The new event, capture the flag ran first today on a live server. Great success and crazy PK ;)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  5. #45
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Small etaroth exp event for new players in EMC/LUF infront of towns in 45 min / 19:45 Server time GMT+2

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  6. #46
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Since holy land and bifrost event is not yet active, manual events are planned for today evening (19:00 - 20:30 Server time | 20:00 TR - 21:30 TR) We will have additional Collection race in CZ + Etaroth event (both in CZ and EMC/LUF zones)

    We hope to see you participate in great numbers again ;) "viva la PK, viva la KO-MYKO :D"

  7. #47
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Today's manual events:
    -19:00 Server time (20:00 TR); Etaroth EXP Santa event EMC / LUF
    -21:00 Server time (22:00 TR) ; Online item rewards for all players + Capture the flag event in CZ

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  8. #48
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Today at 17:00 Server time (18:00 TR), server will be restarted and lvl 68 max cap increased, Mastery quest will become active, Forgotten temple event will become active.

    See you online :)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  9. #49
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Mini Isiloon Event Today (22:00 Server Time, 23:00 TR) - At BF Monument CZ!

    Are you ready from some hardcore PK action again? :)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads
    REGISTER: https://ko-myko.com/register
    FORUM: https://forum.ko-myko.com/
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/komykophoenix
    DROP LIST: https://ko-myko.com/droplist
    EXCHAGES: https://ko-myko.com/exchanges
    QUESTS: https://ko-myko.com/questlist
    UPGRADES: https://ko-myko.com/upgrade_rates
    GUIDES: https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...287;reticiler/

  10. #50
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    On Wednesday 1. SEPTEMBER 2021 we will open 72 max level cap with some other updates as per our roadmap schedule for week 3 :)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads
    REGISTER: https://ko-myko.com/register
    FORUM: https://forum.ko-myko.com/
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/komykophoenix
    DROP LIST: https://ko-myko.com/droplist
    EXCHAGES: https://ko-myko.com/exchanges
    QUESTS: https://ko-myko.com/questlist
    UPGRADES: https://ko-myko.com/upgrade_rates
    GUIDES: https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...287;reticiler/

  11. #51
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Hail Knights!

    I hope you are enjoying the server so far
    We always want to provide good service and good game

    We have prepared some extra action for this wonderful Saturday!

    Today's planned events are:

    -17:00 GMT+2 (18:00 TR): Manual BDW as a filler event instead of Juraid since it's not active yet!
    -17:30 GMT+2 (18:30 TR): Manual Etaroth EXP Santa for new players in EMC/LUF!
    -19:00 GMT+2 (20:00 TR): Scheduled CZ Collection Race PK Frenzy, with 100% NP Event and Capture the Flag!
    -21:00 GMT+2 (22:00 TR): Online Items rewards for all players (3 slots)
    -22:00 GMT+2 (23:00 TR): Manual CZ Collection Race, CZ Etaroths + Mini Isiloon Event!

    We hope you will enjoy this lovely event packed Saturday

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  12. #52
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    OneKnightStand clan PK video

  13. #53
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Today's Events will be the following:

    17:00 GMT+2 (18:00 TR): 3 Hours long Collection Race in CZ!
    18:00 GMT+2 (19:00 TR): Capture the Flag Event in CZ (During already ongoing CR)
    21:00 GMT+2 (22:00 TR): Scheduled Collection Race in CZ!
    21:30 GMT+2 (22:30 TR): Mini Isiloon will spawn at BF Monument in CZ!

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  14. #54
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Online Item Rewards!
    21:00 GMT+2 | 22:00 TR

    Mini Isiloon CZ!
    22:00 GMT+2 | 23:00 TR

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  15. #55
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Today we will open 72 max level cap with some other updates as per our roadmap schedule for week 3 :)
    Server restart is planned at 18:00 GMT+2 / 19:00 TR

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads
    REGISTER: https://ko-myko.com/register
    FORUM: https://forum.ko-myko.com/
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/komykophoenix
    DROP LIST: https://ko-myko.com/droplist
    EXCHAGES: https://ko-myko.com/exchanges
    QUESTS: https://ko-myko.com/questlist
    UPGRADES: https://ko-myko.com/upgrade_rates
    GUIDES: https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...287;reticiler/

  16. #56
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Holy Land Event Premiered for the first time today! Amazing PK

    Starter level updated, Starter items updated, never to late to join ;) hop on the train

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  17. #57
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    CZ CR Frenzy event has now been scheduled for fridays and Saturdays, it's a strike of 3 consecutive collection race events:

    1. very short one and limited to few winners only will award monster summon scroll
    2. short one and limited to few winners only will award silvery gem
    3. longer one with random collection race reward from an updated reward pool, with 100% NPs activated and Capture the flag running simultaneously

    Also upcoming novelty , this Sunday, we will premiere Bifrost event! woop woop!

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  18. #58
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Today's Manual Events (4.9.2021)!

    1. ONLINE ITEM REWARDS: 5x Valky TS - 20:00 GMT+2 | 21:00 TR
    2. LOTTERY EVENT: 20:30 GMT+2 | 21:30 TR
    3. Manual Collection Race in Colony Zone instead of Bifrost Event (First bifrost event will be on tomorrow-Sunday)

    Also don't forget about the crazy pk frenzy scheduled event at 19:00 :)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads
    REGISTER: https://ko-myko.com/register
    FORUM: https://forum.ko-myko.com/
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/komykophoenix
    DROP LIST: https://ko-myko.com/droplist
    EXCHAGES: https://ko-myko.com/exchanges
    QUESTS: https://ko-myko.com/questlist
    UPGRADES: https://ko-myko.com/upgrade_rates
    GUIDES: https://forum.ko-myko.com/index.php?...287;reticiler/

  19. #59
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Sunday 12.9.2021

    1, Castle Siege War event will be opened
    2. Mini Isiloons will be replaced with real Isiloons in CZ:ISI events!
    3. Chaos stone in Holy Land will spawn real Isiloon!
    4. Ultima boss in bifrost drop will be adjusted to match Isiloon boss top tier uniques aswell
    5. Collection race random rewards will be updated again and will now also drop Exceptional weapons (also flame exceptional shard, so you can build fire built with personal dagger)
    6. BDW Winners will receive gold treasure cheast instead of red treasure chest
    7. Starter items will update (Tier I weapons will be added, starter level up scroll will instantly make you level 64)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

  20. #60
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    13 may, 14

    Predeterminado Re: 🔥KO-MYKO.COM v1098 | Medium Farm/LV 72/ +8 +1 [BEST MYKO]

    Sunday is near, and that means CSW! Don't miss it :)

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/wCAtVG8
    DOWNLOAD: https://ko-myko.com/downloads

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