Knights Republic is a farm / exp server.
Tratamos de recuperar viejos recuerdos Myko a algo real!
Server information
- Level 72 cap
- No auto master
- Unique accessories max +3
- Upgrades max +9 (super hard even for a +8)
- In game PUS
- Active team ready to help
- Active GMs for events and support
- KO Panel working
- Anti-cheat system
- Working Chaotic Generator
- Working King system
Exp rate
2 - 3 dias max lvl 72
Drop rate
Unique items have a low drop rate
Anvil rates
+1 100%
+2 100%
+3 100%
+4 80%
+5 70%
+6 50%
+7 25%
+8 8%
+9 1%
With trina
+1 100%
+2 100%
+3 100%
+4 100%
+5 95%
+6 75%
+7 35%
+8 15%
+9 3%
- Luferson Castle / El Morad Castle
- Colony Zone
- Bifrost
- Moradon
- Eslant (both nations)
- Delos
- Abyss