Knight Imperia Official Launch
Aqui les dejo el anuncio del Knight Imperia traducido:
Hola chicos
Estamos contentos de anunciar que:
2 de marzo del 2012 hora 12.00pm (Hora Peruana) Knight Imperia abrira oficial !!
->HORA MUNDIAL:19:00(gmt +2)
Todo esta listo pero aun trabajamos en pequeños bug de menor importancia en estos dias.
Usted nos puede ayudar jugando la version beta y asi publicar los bugs encontrados.
para mas informacion y enlances de descarga:
Ko Panel: (
__________________________________________________ ____________________
Level Cap
62 currently, then 65, 70, 73.
Clan grado requisitos
50k for grade 4
100k for grade 3
200k for grade 2
400k for grade 1
Upgrade Rates
+4 - %65
+5 - %55
+6 - %45
+7 - %10
+8 - %2
+9 - %0,001
+10 - disabled
+4 - %85
+5 - %75
+6 - %65
+7 - %20
+8 - %5
Experiencia Rate
* Exping gring es 3 veces más duro que el antiguo KI . "Se puede aumentar"
* Eventos como BDW, happy hours, Bono de experiencia los fines de semana.
* En CZ siempre tiene 50% mas de experiencia.
* Las ranuras decente exping (Apóstol, Arpía, Troll, Golem) están configurados para la concesión de la misma experiencia / minuto. Usted no se pegue a mismo lugar otra vez.
- Fin de semana 50% bonus de experiencia, durante todo el día durante el sábado / domingo. (Sin necesidad de reiniciar siendo un requisito!)
- Happy hours, lo que aumenta el ingreso NP durante 1 hora todos los días!
- Caja de recompensa personalizada para los ganadores de la CSW.
- Arma de alquiler de equipos, en pleno funcionamiento, como el previsto.
- Una costumbre, del lado del cliente anticheat. (Será probado y mejorado durante CB).
- TBL cifrado personalizado. (Un hecho a sí mismo uno!)
Por cada muerte en CZ, usted y su partido ganará una pieza accesoria. Usted será capaz de comerciar piezas 100x para los accesorios de búsqueda.
Drop Rates
Boses del Bowl tiene un 30% menos del antiguo KI drop rate.
Boses de Eslant tiene 30% menos del antiguo KI drop rate. (No se aplica a los mobs del bowl)
Isiloon tiene 30% menos del antiguo KI drop rate, pero aumentó en el drop rate pequeños uniques / shells.
Dark Mare en cz tiene drop rate mínimo hasta la liberación de nivel 65 el contenido.
SOI Abyss tiene drop rate mínimo hasta la liberación de nivel 65 el contenido.
Artículos hight class tiene un drop rate bajo.
+9 Accesorios no caerá más a menudo. Ellos van a estar bastante dificil.
Kekuri rings caerá a 0,1% rate.
Bus drop rate seguira siendo lo mismo (alrededor de %20 por mob)
Si no jugó en el Imperia Knight antes y no conocen nuestro rate antiguo, nuestros rate son las de MYKO X2. Se trata de un servidor FARM DIFICIL con gotas semi corregidos en cada uno de los mobs.
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
quisiera saber si el server va a ser FARM o FULL PK Items y Acce+ Tmb si el Lvl Cap y si tu perteneces al Staff de ese server
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
Iniciado por
quisiera saber si el server va a ser FARM o FULL PK Items y Acce+ Tmb si el Lvl Cap y si tu perteneces al Staff de ese server
Este server ya es conocido de ace un buen tiempo atras solo que ahora reabrira, es server Farm para mas informacion visita el foro pls, aki te dejo una info que te servira:
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
We are so glad to announce that Knight Imperia, the best farm server ever existed, being open on 2 March 2012 19:00 (GMT +2)!
As of now, everything is ready but we'll still keep checking for minor bugs before the official release.
The server is currently on Open Beta status, so you can grab an account and start playing right now.
Panel: http:// (
Level Cap
62 currently, then 65, 70, 73.
Clan grade requirements
50k for grade 4
100k for grade 3
200k for grade 2
400k for grade 1
Upgrade Rates
+4 - %65
+5 - %55
+6 - %45
+7 - %10
+8 - %2
+9 - %0,001
+10 - disabled
+4 - %85
+5 - %75
+6 - %65
+7 - %20
+8 - %5
Experience Rates
* Gring exping is 3 times harder than old KI rates. "Can be increased"
* Events like BDW, happy hours, weekend bonus grant decent experience.
* Colony Zone always has ongoing %50 bonus experience rates.
* Decent exping slots (Apostle, Harpy, Troll, Golem) are configured to be awarding same experience/minute. You won't stick to same spot again.
- Weekend %50 bonus experience, all day long during Saturday/Sunday. (without restart being a requirement!)
- Happy hours, which increases the NP income for 1 hours everyday!
- Custom reward box for the winners of CSW.
- Weapon rental system, fully working as intented.
- A custom, clientside anticheat. (Will be tested & improved during CB.)
- Custom TBL encryption. (A selfmade one!)
For each kill in Colony Zone, you and your party will gain one accessory piece. You will be able to trade 100x pieces for quest accessories.
Drop Rates
Bowl bosses has %30 less droprate than old KI.
Eslant bosses has %30 less droprate than old KI. (doesn't apply to crap bosses)
Isiloon has %30 less droprate than old KI, but increased droprate on crap uniques/shells.
Dark Mares in cz has minimal droprate until the release of level 65 content.
SOI's in abyss has minimal droprate until the release of level 65 content.
High class items has a low droprate.
+9 accessories won't drop often anymore. They will be pretty rare.
Kekuri rings will drop at %0,1 rate.
Bus droprate will remain same! (around %20 per wolf)
If you didn't play on Knight Imperia before and don't know our old rates, our rates are X2 MYKO rates. It is a semi hardcore farm server with corrected drops on every single monster.
Ps. I am a player on Knight Imperia, helping my server to advertise.
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
hay que ganarse la vida de alguna manera
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
Dice en la pagina oficial que hay 50 on line, supongo que actualmente el server esta UP solo que es Beta , o me equivoco ?
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
Confirmado ! >.< Ops sry por el spam... mañana al medio dia (hora peruana) es el oficial.. mas bien los doteros o loleros interesados el staf esta regalando items por un buen game pero solo para el Beta, parece un buen server habrá que probarsh ... siganme los buenos =)
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
Bueno entonses mañana.entonses 12:00 entonses 8)
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
We are so glad to announce that Knight Imperia, the best farm server ever existed, being open on 2 March 2012 19:00 (GMT +2)!
As of now, everything is ready but we'll still keep checking for minor bugs before the official release.
The server is currently on Open Beta status, so you can grab an account and start playing right now.
Panel: http:// (
Level Cap
62 currently, then 65, 70, 73.
Clan grade requirements
50k for grade 4
100k for grade 3
200k for grade 2
400k for grade 1
Upgrade Rates
+4 - %65
+5 - %55
+6 - %45
+7 - %10
+8 - %2
+9 - %0,001
+10 - disabled
+4 - %85
+5 - %75
+6 - %65
+7 - %20
+8 - %5
Experience Rates
* Gring exping is 3 times harder than old KI rates. "Can be increased"
* Events like BDW, happy hours, weekend bonus grant decent experience.
* Colony Zone always has ongoing %50 bonus experience rates.
* Decent exping slots (Apostle, Harpy, Troll, Golem) are configured to be awarding same experience/minute. You won't stick to same spot again.
- Weekend %50 bonus experience, all day long during Saturday/Sunday. (without restart being a requirement!)
- Happy hours, which increases the NP income for 1 hours everyday!
- Custom reward box for the winners of CSW.
- Weapon rental system, fully working as intented.
- A custom, clientside anticheat. (Will be tested & improved during CB.)
- Custom TBL encryption. (A selfmade one!)
For each kill in Colony Zone, you and your party will gain one accessory piece. You will be able to trade 100x pieces for quest accessories.
Drop Rates
Bowl bosses has %30 less droprate than old KI.
Eslant bosses has %30 less droprate than old KI. (doesn't apply to crap bosses)
Isiloon has %30 less droprate than old KI, but increased droprate on crap uniques/shells.
Dark Mares in cz has minimal droprate until the release of level 65 content.
SOI's in abyss has minimal droprate until the release of level 65 content.
High class items has a low droprate.
+9 accessories won't drop often anymore. They will be pretty rare.
Kekuri rings will drop at %0,1 rate.
Bus droprate will remain same! (around %20 per wolf)
If you didn't play on Knight Imperia before and don't know our old rates, our rates are X2 MYKO rates. It is a semi hardcore farm server with corrected drops on every single monster.
Ps. I am a player on Knight Imperia, helping my server to advertise.
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
Haber probare este ko, espero k aya gente online.
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
mi clan va a orco por siacaso :P
Re: Knight Imperia Official Launch
bueno aki les dejo un servidor q me parece bueno y veo con buena gentitaaa KOwned | Index