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Problemas con el AOE 3

Esta es una discusión para el tema Problemas con el AOE 3 en el foro Ayuda Técnica, bajo la categoría Tecnologia; Tengo una maquina, AMD Atlhon 2400 XP (2ghz con 768 de RAM); y una tarjeta de ATI radeon 9200. pero ...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 jul, 03
    La Molina

    Predeterminado Problemas con el AOE 3

    Tengo una maquina, AMD Atlhon 2400 XP (2ghz con 768 de RAM); y una tarjeta de ATI radeon 9200. pero tengo problemas con las campañas de AO3.

    Por momentos cuando hay mucha batalla el sonido se corta y no se escucha nada, para luego volver. Además los dialogos de la campaña demoran mucho; es decir enfocan al que va a decir el dialogo y demora una eternidad y comenzar a decirlo.

    Bueno me gustaria saber qué me recomiendan; o es que esta mauina no cumple los requisitos mínimos.

    Npepitox - PSN
    ntivd_jose - Steam

  2. #2
    Senior Member Avatar de Joviluis
    Fecha de ingreso
    22 ene, 03
    en un Octavarium


    :P eso suena a que ya tienes que darle de alta
    a la 9200 que tienes ...
    ami me sucedia exactamente eso ...
    antes de cambiar mi tarjeta de video

    Sino prueba descargandote el ultimo patch

  3. #3
    king of pain Staff Avatar de Snake
    Fecha de ingreso
    23 sep, 01


    Como mencionas el audio, probablemente sea tu chip de sonido integrado que no jala mas. Muchos chips de sonido integrados son bastante malos. No tengo idea si el juego tiene alguna opcion de bajarle la calidad al audio, si lo tiene intenta con eso.

    Puede ser que 768Mb se queden cortos, el audio tiene que procesar mucha info y sobrecarga el CPU. Aunque la 9200 es algo antigua a mi me suena, mas a un problema de procesador/memoria/audio.

    X6 1090T | M4N98TD EVO | 16Gb | N460GTX Hawk | SSD C300x2

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    12 jul, 03
    La Molina


    exactamanete yo tb creo que es un problema de audio con memoria; por ahi lei que los requisitos minimos eran 1gb de memoria; alguien que los sepa porfa si los pudiera postear. Y qué solución me daria para tratar de mejorarlo plzzz...

    La tarjeta tb es bastante antigua; pero no creo que sea un problema de video... o al menos no parece.

    Npepitox - PSN
    ntivd_jose - Steam

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    08 ago, 05


    Yo tuve un problema similar con mi tarjeta integrada :( , se desfasaba el audio de la imagen y lo solucione comprando mas ram.Si el problema no viene por parte de la tarjeta entonces es la mamoria ram

  6. #6
    GNU/Linux Preacher Moderador Avatar de Die Hard
    Fecha de ingreso
    14 feb, 04


    disculpen el post largo, pero aca está el readme de Age of Empiers III:

    I. DirectX Troubleshooting

    DirectX® 9c or later must be installed on your computer before you can play Age of Empires III. If you do not have DirectX 9c installed on your computer and you chose not to install DirectX 9c when you installed Age of Empires III, you will not be able to play Age of Empires III. Install DirectX 9c by reinstalling Age of Empires III, or download the software from Microsoft Windows Update at:

    If Age of Empires III installed DirectX 9c but could not update your video drivers to be compatible with DirectX 9c, when you restart your computer you will receive the message: Age of Empires III could not initialize DirectX. Make sure that DirectX 9c or higher is installed and contact your hardware manufacturer for a video driver update. To fix this, you can download updated video drivers from the Microsoft Windows Update site ( or from the video adapter manufacturer’s site, or install DirectX in safe mode, which replaces the video drivers.

    If you continue to experience sound or video problems using DirectX, go to for the latest DirectX information. You should also check with your video or sound card manufacturer for the latest DirectX-compatible drivers.

    J. Video Troubleshooting

    Latest Drivers—Ensure that you have the latest drivers from your video card manufacturer, or check the Windows Update site ( for the latest drivers. Users of motherboards with non-Intel chipsets should upgrade to the latest miniport drivers available from their motherboard manufacturer.

    Age of Empires III does not support the following video cards:

    3D Labs Permedia 1

    3DFX – All versions

    ATI ES1000
    Rage (all)
    Radeon 7000
    Radeon 7000 IGP
    Radeon 7200 (32 MB only)
    Radeon 7500 (32 MB only)
    Mobility Radeon 7000 IGP
    Mobility Fire GL

    Cirrus Logic - all versions

    Matrox G100
    Matrox G200
    Matrox Millennium
    Matrox Millennium II
    Matrox Mystique

    Geforce 2 (32 MB only)
    nVidia Riva 128
    nVidia Rica 128 zx

    S3 Virge_VX
    S3 Virge_MX/MV
    S3 Virge_MX+
    S3 Virge_MX
    S3 Virge_GX2
    S3 Virge_DX/GX
    S3 Trio64V2_DX/GX
    S3 Trio64UV+
    S3 Aurora64V+
    S3 Aurora128
    S3 Savage 2000

    Intel 945
    Intel 915
    Intel 810 / 815
    Intel 845
    Intel 850
    Intel 865
    Intel i740


    Rendition - all versions
    Number9 - All versions
    Oak Technologies - all versions
    Chromatic Research - all versions
    Tseng Labs - all versions
    Neo-magic - all versions

    Some ATI video cards may experience difficulties with repeated toggling between the game and another application using ALT+TAB. It is recommended that you do not use this key combination.

    If you are using the NVidia 6800 - Driver: 6.14.0010.7189 (April 14, 2005), terrain objects, particularly trees, will have an artificial appearance when the Shader Quality setting is set to low and the graphic Bit Depth is set to 16. It is recommended that you update to the latest version of these drivers to fix this problem.

    If you are noticing flashing, popping,or pausing on an overclocked NVidia 6800, please be aware that this is a known issue with no work around.

    A Matrox Parhelia 128MB or a Matrox Millennium P750 using driver 6.13.0001.1691, reference drivers 6.13.0001.1873, and 6.13.0001.1914 may not correctly show bump mapping which appears as snow or solid grey textures in the game world. It is recommended that you update to the latest version of these drivers to fix this problem.

    If you experience video problems using DirectX, go to the DirectX Web site for the latest troubleshooting information at:

    K. CD-ROM Drive Troubleshooting

    Age of Empires III uses SSI encryption technology and some CD-ROM drives may not be compatible with this technology.

    L. Audio Troubleshooting

    If you do not have sound drivers or a sound card installed on your computer, you should use the no-sound shortcut that is available on the Start menu. To apply this shortcut, select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Games, point to Age of Empires III, point to Diagnostics and then click Age of Empires III no sound.

    • Sound Blaster issues – Crashes and scenarios not working/completing correctly have occurred on systems with Sound Blaster sound cards and may be resolved by disabling hardware sound acceleration. Consult your card manufacturer's guide to disable this feature.

    • DirectX – If you experience audio problems using DirectX, go to the DirectX Web site for the latest troubleshooting information. Also if this occurs, ensure that you have the latest drivers from your sound card manufacturer, or visit the Windows Update site ( to download the latest drivers.

    M. Processor Troubleshooting

    Age of Empires III requires processors with the SSE instruction set. Setup will fail to install to machines that do not meet this minimum requirement. Please note that the 1.4 GHz Athlon Thunderbird does not have SSE.

    N. Performance Troubleshooting

    There are several ways to improve the game's performance. For example, the game will run faster if you use the least demanding game settings. These include:

    • Setting the screen resolution to 800 x 600.
    • Setting the detail of graphics to Low.
    • Turning off shadows completely
    • Turning music off.

    Most of these improvements can be made from within the game by going to the Main menu, clicking Help and Tools and then choosing Options, or, if you are playing a game, click the Menu button, and then click Options.

    A hardware solution to increasing performance is to increase the amount of RAM in your computer or to replace your video card. If you have less than one gigabyte (1 GB), you should upgrade the amount of memory in your system. If you have 1GB (or more) of memory, you should consider upgrading your video card.

    We also recommend that you:

    • Shut down as many other applications running on your system as possible in order to free memory and processing.
    • Defragment your hard drive.
    • Activate DMA (on appropriate hard drives).
    • Reboot your system before starting Age of Empires III.
    • Turn your virus scanner settings down while playing Age of Empires III.

    Also, ensure that you have the latest drivers from your video and sound card manufacturer or check the Windows Update site (<>) for the latest drivers. Users of motherboards with non-Intel chipsets should upgrade to the latest miniport drivers available from their motherboard manufacturer.

    If you are using the My Documents Redirection feature of Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP (also known as IntelliMirror®) then when you go to load games the games appears to freeze for 5 - 10 minutes before starting the load process. Age of Empires III does not support the use of this feature. For better game performance, it is advised that you turn this feature off.

    Performance—The following guidelines are recommended for a good experience:

    • 8 Players - Greater or equal to a P4 3.2 GHz, 2 GB RAM, and Cable/DSL, LAN
    • 6 Players - Greater or equal to a P4 2.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM, and Cable/DSL, LAN
    • 4 Players - Greater or equal to a P4 2.2 GHz, 512 MB RAM, and Cable/DSL, LAN
    • 2 Players - Greater or equal to a P4 1.4 GHz, 256 MB RAM minimum (512 MB RAM recommended), and 56 KBps modem

    For more information on how to improve your Age of Empires 3 experience, visit
    ASUS Republic Of Gamers G51JX-X1: Intel Core i7 720QM @1.6 - 2.8 GHz | Kingston 2x2GB DDR3 1333MHz | Nvidia Geforce GTS 360M | Seagate 7200RPM 500GB SATA | WLAN 802.11bgn + Bluetooth | 15.6 LED 1080p Display

  7. #7
    Senior Member Avatar de Kuerthy
    Fecha de ingreso
    30 oct, 02


    Tienes configurada la memoria virtual, si es que no es asi seria bueno que lo hagas yo tengo 512 de memoria y una particion de 1 gb en el disco la cual esta ocupada 900 mb como memoria virtual y no tengo problemas en ningun juego; en caso no sea tu caso tal vez saeria bueno que te bajes el driver de la tarjeta de sonido, la mia es REALTEK busca que arca es la tuya y hazlo, suerte.
    Eres esklavo de tus palabras

  8. #8
    Fecha de ingreso
    28 sep, 05


    Turalyon, no sé si tienes el Age of Empire III original o pirata, la cosa es que hay un parche que recien a salido para corregir fallos, no es toy seguro si con eso solucionas tu problema, si es original haciendole un update puedes descargarte el parche, si es pirata usa algun buscador para buscar información. Ahora supongo que cumples con los requerimientos del juego.
    - Soporte Técnico -

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