segun blizzard tengo un problema d modem o algo asi x eso no puedo jugar bien me dijeron q aga esto
# Go into your computer properties.
# Then into your device manager.
# Locate your network card, and go into the properties for it.
# Click on the advanced tab, and you should see a list of items. One of them should be Speed/duplex settings.
# Change this to Force base 100 Full duplex. If you have an older router or hub you may need to use base 10 full duplex.
mi network card es VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter
y e seguido los pasos pero no encuentro Speed/Duplex settings
en opciones avansadas solo dice
Adaptive Interrupt
Connection Type
Flow control
Network Address
Recive Buffers
Transmit Buffers
q tengo q acer alguien me dice¿ q tengo q acer para encontrar eso?