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PC se cuelga tras entrar en modo espera

Esta es una discusión para el tema PC se cuelga tras entrar en modo espera en el foro Ayuda Técnica, bajo la categoría Tecnologia; Hola amigos bloodzoneros, Relato un poco lo que sucede, todo iba bien hasta que mi disco duro entró en "Riesgo" ...
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Fecha de ingreso
    05 ago, 04
    Lima, Peru

    Unhappy PC se cuelga tras entrar en modo espera

    Hola amigos bloodzoneros,
    Relato un poco lo que sucede, todo iba bien hasta que mi disco duro entró en "Riesgo" según el CDI, (era cierto dado que al realizar backup de información algunos sectores no podian copiarse). Asi que decidi instalar un Corsair Force 3 SSD que tenía por ahi tirado y adquirí a su HD Seagate de 2TB. En el momento de la instalación todo ok (configuré en la bios que trabajen como AHCI) sin embargo cuando trabajaba llegó un momento que se presentaba un ligero freeze y tras aprox 2 segundos regresaba a la normalidad pero el puntero del mouse se distorcionaba. Decidi actualizar todos los firmware y drivers, de la placa, Crosshair IV Formula; la video, GeForce GTX 460 y el disco. El problema del cambio de color del puntero se solucionó pero los pequeños freeze si bien es cierto son menos frecuentes aún se dan. Lo peor de todo es que si despues de uno de esos pequeños freeze dejo mi PC encendida hasta que entre en modo stand by todo se congela y ya no vuelve a salir de ese estado la pantalla queda negra, y me veo obligado a reiniciarla.
    Pensé que era un tema de temperatura del procesador pero este se encuentra dentro de lo normal.

    Agradeceré me puedan brindar un consejo antes que me vuelva loco... dado que usualmente dejaba encendida mi pc por las noches descargando archivos pesados, pero ahora con este problema al despertar me doy cuenta que la pc se quedó en ese estado de stand by eterno.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Avatar de IPP32
    Fecha de ingreso
    18 nov, 09
    Lima - Saudi Arabia - Dammam

    Predeterminado Re: PC se cuelga tras entrar en modo espera

    Encontre esto en la WEB de especificaciones tecnicas respecto a tu mainboard. Son bastantes items, pero no te queda otra en revisar uno por uno. No hay nada especifico, solo te queda probar.

    1. Make sure BIOS is updated to the latest version
    2. If system freezes before loading OS, please do some troubleshooting as the following steps:
    2.1 During POST
    2.1.1 Un-plug the new additive devices to have a try.
    2.1.2 Keep the necessary components ( a CPU, a memory, a graphic card )on board to test
    a. If the problem is solved with minimum system( hardware), please add the devices one by one and find out which part is at fault
    b. If the problem still remains with minimum system(hardware), please contact your retailer for a check.
    2.2 During POST B. Hardware Monitor Error C. AMI bios Will pop up D. COMS checksum error……>
    2.2.1 Please have the troubleshooting according to the error message
    2.3 During Windows LOGO loading
    2.3.1 If the PC could enter safe mode successfully, please enter OS safe mode and uninstall the new-installed driver or software.
    2.3.2 If the PC could not enter safe mode, please re-install OS for a try. Before re-installing, please back up the important data firstly.
    3. If system freezes after loading OS, please do some troubleshooting as the following steps:
    3.1 If no screen display but the hard disk drive indicator blinks, please wait for a moment and check if the desktop can display normally, if yes, it seems to be the problem about application heavy loading, please terminate the un-necessary programs to have a test
    3.2 If no screen display but the hard disk drive indicator blinks, and there is still no display after waiting for a period, please do some troubleshooting as the following steps:
    3.2.1 Only keep the necessary components (a graphics card/onboard graphics card, a memory, a CPU), a HDD and ODD on board, then reinstall the OS
    3.2.2 Adjust the memory timings and voltage manually according to the memory manual
    3.2.3 If convenience, replace the memory, VGA card and CPU to have a test
    3.2.4 If the problem cannot be resolved, please contact reseller (service center) for tests
    3.3 If no screen display and the hard disk drive indicator do not blink, please re-start the PC and choose Last Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked. If the problem cannot be resolved, please do some troubleshooting as the following steps:
    3.3.1 Only keep the necessary components (a graphics card/onboard graphics card, a memory, a CPU), a HDD and ODD on board, then reinstall the OS
    3.3.2 Adjust the memory timings and voltage manually according to the memory manual
    3.3.3 If convenience, replace the memory, VGA card and CPU to have a test
    3.3.4 If the problem cannot be resolved, please contact reseller (service center) for tests
    3.4 If there is screen display after enter OS, and some new software is installed recently:
    3.4.1 Un-install the software in safe mode
    3.4.2 Reinstall OS
    3.5 If there is screen display after enter OS, if there is some new hardware installed recently:
    3.5.1 Remove all add-on cards and device
    3.5.2 Reinstall OS
    3.5.3 Replace the main components one by one with working components
    3.6 If there is new software or hardware installed, but the problem still exists after removing the software/hardware and reinstalling OS, please do some troubleshooting as the following steps:
    3.6.1 If CPU/MB temperature is abnormal, please avoid the system overheating by taking the motherboard out of case or adding a cooling fan. If the problem cannot be resolved, check if the CPU is listed in the CPU support list and change another CPU for a test. If the problem still exists, please contact reseller (service center) for tests.
    3.6.2 If CPU/MB temperature is normal and system freezes even in safe mode, please do some troubleshooting as the following steps:
    a. Only keep the necessary components (a graphics card/onboard graphics card, a memory, a CPU), a HDD and ODD on the board, then reinstall the OS.
    b. Adjust the memory timings and voltage manually according to the memory manual.
    c. If convenient, replace the memory, VGA card and CPU to have a test.
    3.6.3 If CPU/MB temperature is normal and system does not freeze in safe mode, please do some troubleshooting as the following steps:
    a. Kill virus by Anti-virus software in Safe Mode.
    b. Update the system patch and the relevant drivers, such as graphics driver etc.
    c. If the freezing problem still remains and it only exists with certain software/game, please update the relevant program, software, game patch.
    d. If the freezing problem still remains and it happens randomly, please only keep the necessary components (a graphics card/onboard graphics card, a memory, a CPU), a HDD and ODD on the board, then reinstall the OS. Adjust the memory timings and voltage manually according to the memory manual. If convenient, replace the memory, VGA card and CPU to have a test.


    ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Troubleshooting Crosshair IV Formula

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